Olive (Olea europaea L.) varieties are grown with grafted or self-rooted plants.'Gemlik'cvs is an easy to root variety and can be used as a clone rootstock.

However, there may be a problem of Decongestance of vaccination between cvs. due to some problems in the vascular system. Self-rooted combinations of 'Ayvalik'(A) and 'Gemlik'(G) cvs and six grafted (T-budded) combinations; 'Ayvalik'/'Gemlik' (A/G), 'Domat'/'Gemlik'(D/G), 'Gemlik'/'Gemlik' (G/G), 'Memecik'/'Gemlik' (M/G), 'Nizip Yağlik'/'Gemlik'(K/G) and 'Sari Ulak'/'Gemlik'/'Gemlik'/'Gemlik'/'Sari Ulak'/'Gemlik'/'Gemlik'/'Gemlik'/'Gemlik'/'memlik'/'Gemlik'/'Gemlik'/'Gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/'gemlik'/' '(S/G) has been used as plant material. These plants had been grown in the greenhouse for two years in pots containing a mixture of soil: sand:fertilizer (1: 1: 1). Leaf samples were collected for nutrient analysis at the end of the second year after grafting. According to the plant nutrient analyses, the results showed that there were significant differences in both self-rooted plants and grafted plants (p< 0.05). The average data results for all macro- and microelements, 'Gemlik' and 'Gemlik'/'Gemlik' were observed to contain a higher amount of plant nutrients than 'Ayvalik' and other vaccine combinations. The lowest amounts of nutrients were observed in 'Ayvalık'/'Gemlik' and 'Domat'/'Gemlik'. According to the cluster analysis performed for all nutrients, 'Ayvalık'/'Gemlik' and 'Domat'/'Gemlik' were in the same group with the same amount of nutrients. The remaining combinations and both self-established cvs were included in a group. The results of mean value and cluster analysis showed that there may be a problem in the vaccination zone in both 'Ayvalik'/'Gemlik' and 'Domat'/'Gemlik'cvs.