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Histological Evaluation of Graft Compatibility in Gemlik Rootstock of Olive Varieties

The plant material in this study was composed of 'Ayvalik', 'Gemlik', 'Domat', 'Memecik', 'NizipYaglik' and 'Yellow Ulak' olive varieties budding on a one-year-old 'Gemlik' mother. Samples were collected 3, 6 and 12 months after vaccination, then preserved using a formalin-acetoalcohol (FAA) solution with administration 1 cm above and below the vaccination unit.

Doç. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya
Olive Academy

The grafted samples were divided into sections using a microtome to obtain 30 µm thick sections for microscopy and were examined by light microscopy. Dark brown necrotic areas were also observed along the lines of the callus tissue boundaries of the graft in all graft combinations. Phenolic compounds that cause necrosis at the graft site were also determined. The results showed the extent of callus growth, cambial differentiation, cambial continuity, sclerenchyma tissues and vascular tissue formation of these olive varieties in the grafts applied. In these samples, a good growth of callus was observed in the cambial development of vascular tissues. The sprouts of the 'Gemlik', 'Memecik' and 'Yellow Messenger' varieties were compatible when grafted on the 'Gemlik' rootstock. In contrast, 'Ayvalık', 'Domat' and 'NizipYağlık' sprouts grafted on the 'Gemlik' rootstock caused limited callus and cambial development, sclerenchyma tissues and vascular tissues. In addition, callus tissues formed in the air pockets of the grafts after the graft procedure at 6 and 12 months, causing weak grafts. The 'Memecik' and 'Yellow Messenger' varieties were found to be compatible when grafted on the 'Gemlik' mother. In contrast, 'Ayvalık', 'Domat' and 'NizipYağlık' sprouts grafted on the 'Gemlik' rootstock caused limited callus and cambial development, sclerenchyma tissues and vascular tissues. In addition, callus tissues formed in the air pockets of the grafts after the graft procedure at 6 and 12 months, causing weak grafts. The 'Memecik' and 'Yellow Messenger' varieties were found to be compatible when grafted on the 'Gemlik' mother. In contrast, 'Ayvalık', 'Domat' and 'NizipYağlık' sprouts grafted on the 'Gemlik' rootstock caused limited callus and cambial development, sclerenchyma tissues and vascular tissues. In addition, callus tissues formed in the air pockets of the grafts after the graft procedure at 6 and 12 months, causing weak grafts.


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