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Olive Producers in Eskisehir met in Training...

Short summary...

Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality organised a training for producers in Mihalgazi and Sarıcakaya districts in order to increase olive cultivation in the Middle Sakarya Valley, to produce natural olive oil with early harvest cold pressing method and to determine the value it will add to the region by making quality analyses of olive oil. In this context, Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya, who is an expert in olive cultivation and olive oil production and known as ‘Olive Father’, gave important information.

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Zeytin üreticileri eğitimde buluştu

What was discussed in the training?

Important issues such as growing olives more efficiently, increasing the quality of olive oil and better understanding the value of olive oil in our region were discussed.

In addition, information was given about the place of olive oil in the world market and environmentally friendly production methods.

Why is this training important?

Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality attaches great importance to the olive growing sector with this training. Its aim is to increase the income of our producers by making the olive oil of our region even more valuable. It is also aimed to strengthen Eskişehir's olive oil brand by improving the quality of olive oil produced.

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Zeytin üreticileri eğitimde buluştu

As a result, this training organised in Eskişehir was a great opportunity for the olive producers of the region. In this way, our producers will both increase their own income and make significant contributions to the agricultural production of our region by making more conscious and more efficient production.


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