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Rooting of Semi-Wood Cuttings of Gemlik Olive Variety

In this study, the effect of 1 ml/L Gabiocate applications on the rooting of semi-wood cuttings of Gemlik olive variety was determined. after 24 hours of slow immersion application, semi-wooden cuttings were planted in a rooting medium containing a peat: perlite mixture in a ratio of 1: 1 and irrigation was carried out with 1 ml/L Gabiocate for 60 days.

Doç. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya
Olive Academy

60 Of the experiment. in the observations made on the day, it was found that the application of Gabiocat significantly increased the rooting rate compared to the control. The effect of Gabiocat application in terms of rooting rate, average root number, root length and rooting level was found to be statistically significant. Considering the high number of shoots (3, 62±0, 7 pieces), average shoot length (40, 24±3 mm), root number (23, 02±6, 0 pieces), average root length (30, 05±4, 0 mm) and rooting level (3, 74±0, 8 mm), it was determined that the application of 1ml/L Gabiocat was successful in rooting semi-wood cuttings of Gemlik olive variety.


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