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Some selected wild olives grown in Turkey (Olea oleaster L.) molecular of ecotypes...

Wild olive subspecies iğde, called "Karadelice" in Turkish, is a small tree or shrub with prickly branches and oppositely positioned rectangular pointed leaves, dark grayish green on the leaf surface and bleached at the bottom in early growth, growing quite irregularly. Surface with whitish scales.

Doç. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya
Olive Academy

It is usually used as a stunted rootstock; however, there is a vaccine mismatch with some important olive varieties. Some wild olive plants were selected from the village of Kayadibi, 20 km from the Izmir provincial center in Turkey. This region is a very unique place for this type of wild olive. These ecotypes were distinguished by molecular markers using RAPD-PCR. Since they can be used as dwarf rootstock, their relationship with some important olive varieties has been studied. For this reason, Ayvalık cv, olive, which is the most important olive variety for olive oil production, was used primarily. Ayvalık cv and KD-8 were expected to have vaccination compatibility because they were 97% similar. In the second part of the study, a comparison was made with Memecik and Rabbit Heart varieties, which are important olive oil and table olive varieties, respectively. Since the mammary gland and Rabbit Heart are 100% similar, it was thought that the vaccine compatibility with KD-3 and KD-8 needles might be greater. Both studies were conducted to find similarities in 9 olive needles grown in Kayadibi, Izmir province, which were stated to have mixed and low morphological variations in their characteristics. they were expected to have vaccination compatibility. In the second part of the study, a comparison was made with Memecik and Rabbit Heart varieties, which are important olive oil and table olive varieties, respectively. Since the mammary gland and Rabbit Heart are 100% similar, it was thought that the vaccine compatibility with KD-3 and KD-8 needles might be greater. Both studies were conducted to find similarities in 9 olive needles grown in Kayadibi, Izmir province, which were stated to have mixed and low morphological variations in their characteristics. they were expected to have vaccination compatibility. In the second part of the study, a comparison was made with Memecik and Rabbit Heart varieties, which are important olive oil and table olive varieties, respectively. Since the mammary gland and Rabbit Heart are 100% similar, it was thought that the vaccine compatibility with KD-3 and KD-8 needles might be greater. Both studies were conducted to find similarities in 9 olive needles grown in Kayadibi, Izmir province, which were stated to have mixed and low morphological variations in their characteristics. It was thought that vaccination compliance with KD-3 and KD-8 needles might be higher. Both studies were conducted to find similarities in 9 olive needles grown in Kayadibi, Izmir province, which were stated to have mixed and low morphological variations in their characteristics. It was thought that vaccination compliance with KD-3 and KD-8 needles might be higher. Both studies were conducted to find similarities in 9 olive needles grown in Kayadibi, Izmir province, which were stated to have mixed and low morphological variations in their characteristics.


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