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The Place and Importance of Olive Growing in the World and Turkey!

Short summary...

In this interview conducted by Beste Çelik with Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya, olive production in Turkey, increases in olive oil production, production techniques and future potentials were discussed. Stating that 2022 saw record increases in olive and olive oil production, Prof. Özkaya emphasised that climatic conditions and agricultural technologies played an important role in this increase. Stating that the place of olive oil in world vegetable oil production is relatively small, Prof. Özkaya stated that Turkey has a 10% share in world production.

He said Turkey has deficiencies in terms of quality and branding in olive oil production, but can become more competitive by increasing added value and promoting in international markets. Emphasising that it is possible to move olive trees but it requires attention and expertise, Prof. Özkaya mentioned the importance of choosing the right sapling and appropriate soil analysis when establishing an olive orchard.

Stating that the future of olive agriculture in Turkey is bright, Prof. Özkaya said that precision agriculture techniques, biotechnology and digital marketing can revolutionise this field. He pointed out that water saving, organic farming and waste management are important for sustainable olive oil production. Stating that olives and olive oil have a great economic and cultural value, he emphasised that conscious and strategic steps should be taken in these areas.


In 2022, there were significant increases in olive and olive oil production. In order for Turkey to become more competitive in olive oil production, it needs to increase quality, branding and effective promotion in international markets. Innovative technologies and sustainable agricultural practices are important in olive agriculture. Turkey should take strategic steps by considering both the economic and cultural value of olives and olive oil.

The interview stream...

Beste Celik:

Welcome, Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya. It is a great honour to welcome you. Today we are going to talk about olive production, olive quality and the transportation of olive trees. First of all, welcome.

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

Welcome, thank you. It is a great pleasure for me to talk about these important topics.

Beste Çelik:

Firstly, let's take a look at 2022. This year, there was a 71 per cent increase in olive production and a 79 per cent increase in olive oil production. What are the reasons behind this record increase and how will our olive production and quality improve in the future?

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

2022 was indeed a historic year in olive production. One of the biggest reasons for this increase was that the climatic conditions were quite favourable for olive trees. Sufficient rainfall and favourable temperatures increased the yield of olive trees. In addition, developments in agricultural technologies also supported production. In particular, modern irrigation techniques and fertilisation methods allowed olive trees to grow healthier and bear more fruit. In order for this trend to continue in the future, agricultural policies and supports should be maintained. Furthermore, by investing more in research and development, we can develop new and productive olive varieties.

Beste Celik

What is the place of olive oil in vegetable oil production in the world and what is Turkey's situation in this regard?

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

The amount of vegetable oil produced in the world is approximately 230 million tonnes and a very small portion of this is olive oil. Olive oil production is around 3 million tonnes. In order to increase this amount to 6 million tonnes, we need to double the number of olive trees, which will take at least 15 years. Turkey produces about 300-400 thousand tonnes of olive oil annually. This amount is around 10 per cent of the world olive oil production. However, olive oil production can vary greatly between years depending on climatic conditions. Turkey follows Spain, Italy and Greece in the world ranking. However, we are not yet at the desired level in terms of quality and brand value.

Beste Çelik:

So, what are Turkey's successes and shortcomings in olive oil production?

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

Turkey's biggest shortcoming is that producers are not sufficiently supported and the added value of olive oil is not sufficiently increased. Our production costs are high, which makes it difficult for us to compete with big producers such as Spain and Italy. Countries like Spain, Italy and Greece are much more organised and effective in both production and marketing. These countries can sell olive oil at high prices in the gourmet sector. In order for Turkey to be more competitive in this field, it is necessary to improve the quality of olive oil and branding. In addition, the international market

Beste Celik:

What can be done to make Turkey more competitive in olive oil production?

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

First of all, it is necessary to increase the added value of olive oil. High quality olive oil should be produced through methods such as early harvesting and cold pressing, and these oils should be sold at high prices in international markets. In addition, the use of olive oil in the health sector should be encouraged. Olive oils with high polyphenol levels offer great health benefits and such oils can be sold at prices as high as 100 dollars abroad. Turkey needs to enter this market and promote its high quality olive oil worldwide. In addition, educating and raising awareness of producers is very important for quality production. Government supports and incentives can also accelerate this process.

Beste Celik

What is the place of olives and olive oil in the food industry?

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

Olives are used for table and olive oil production. Approximately 3 million tonnes of table olives are produced annually in the world, 95% of which is produced by Mediterranean countries. Olive oil is used for table and health purposes. In Italy, for example, high quality olive oils are sold at high prices in gourmet restaurants and in the health sector. Olive oil has an important place both in the kitchen and in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Due to its health benefits, the use of olive oil is steadily increasing. Its antioxidant properties, positive effects on heart health and benefits for the digestive system make olive oil an indispensable foodstuff.

Beste Çelik

What can you say about the relocation of olive trees? Is it possible and how should it be done?

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

It is possible to move olive trees, but this is a process that requires care and expertise. Trees should be transported together with their roots and planted under suitable conditions in the place where they are transported. During this process, the branches of the tree should also be pruned to prevent damage to the roots. In Spain, olive trees are moved for reasons such as dam construction and road works and they can continue their lives in their new places. However, this process means that the trees must also have favourable climatic and soil conditions in their new location. Otherwise, the trees may not be able to survive where they are moved. Appropriate techniques must be used to ensure that the roots are well protected and the trees are not stressed during the move.

Beste Celik

What should be considered when establishing an olive orchard? Should young saplings or old trees be preferred?

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

Both methods can be used. When young saplings are planted, your garden will be more homogeneous and the trees will grow faster. However, when old trees are planted, they can start production immediately. Therefore, it is important to decide according to the type of trees and planting location. For example, young saplings can be planted at 6x6 metre intervals, while older trees may need to be planted at wider intervals. In addition, conducting a soil analysis and establishing a suitable fertilisation programme is also important for a productive garden. The water requirement of olive trees should also be taken into consideration and the irrigation system should be planned accordingly. Choosing the right variety is critical in terms of being compatible with climate and soil conditions.

Beste Celik

What do you think about the future of olive agriculture in Turkey? Which innovations and technologies can revolutionise this field?

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

The future of olive agriculture in Turkey looks quite bright. Innovations in agricultural technologies can make olive production more efficient and sustainable. For example, precision agriculture techniques allow us to more accurately determine the water and nutrient needs of olive trees. Drones and sensors can be used to monitor the health and productivity of trees. Furthermore, biotechnology and genetic engineering can help us develop disease-resistant and high-yielding olive varieties. Digital marketing and e-commerce platforms can help olive oil reach a wider audience in the global market. Education and awareness-raising efforts will accelerate producers' adaptation to these new technologies.

Beste Celik

How can sustainability be achieved in olive oil production? What are the environmental impacts and precautions to be taken?

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

Sustainability in olive oil production can be achieved by minimising environmental impacts and protecting natural resources. Firstly, water use is very important. Water-saving irrigation systems and methods should be popularised in olive agriculture. Furthermore, organic farming practices should be encouraged and biological control methods should be used to reduce the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Appropriate tillage techniques should be adopted to prevent soil erosion and increase soil fertility. Waste management is another important issue. Waste from olive processing can be utilised and converted into energy through methods such as biogas production. All these measures will increase the sustainability of olive oil production by reducing its environmental impacts.

Beste Celik

Mr. Mücahit, you gave very valuable information. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

Choosing the right sapling is very important when establishing an olive orchard. It is necessary to utilise Turkey's rich gene resources and bring these varieties into the economy. For this, it is very important to find the right saplings and to plant with the right methods. In addition, producers should be supported and olive production should be encouraged. Considering the health benefits and high added value of olive oil, we should take more conscious and strategic steps in this field. Olives and olive oil have a great value not only economically but also culturally and in terms of health.

Beste Çelik:

Thank you very much, Mr Mücahit. Your information was very valuable for us.

Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya:

Thank you, it was a great pleasure for me to share these topics.


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